Finance Resources

After completion of your Audit/Financial review, please send a copy (by August 31st) to:

After completion of your 990 (due to IRS 11-15), please forward a copy (by November 30th) to:

If you have any questions on either document, send an email to

Dollar$ & $en$e

Florida PTA’s Treasurer’s Manual is the Dollar$ & $en$e.  This helpful document provides additional resources, specific to Florida, for the local unit Treasurer.  After officers are registered, the President, Secretary and Treasurer will be emailed the Florida PTA Kit of Materials, which includes the Dollar$ and $en$e.

Accepted 990N Sample

Records Retention Schedule

It is very important that certain records be retained.  Your current IRS letter of determination, your bylaws and current 990 filing should be easily accessible at all times.

Please see the Records Retention Schedule document for items on the Record Retention Schedule.  Bylaws, minutes and tax documents (exempt status) should be kept permanently.

Records Retention Schedule