Membership Awards:

  • The 500+ PTA Service Club

    Nominate any person who has been a member of a local unit, a county council unit or a state PTA unit for at least 25 years. Twenty (20) honorees will be chosen; past Florida PTA Presidents will be automatically inducted without having to be nominated. Deadline: May 1st
  • MEMBERSHIP: Participatory-Recognition

    Faculty members include principals, deans, teachers, librarians/media specialists, counselors, and any other instructional staff at the school. Faculty membership must be reported and dues must be received in the state office before May 1 to qualify.
  • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
  • Membership dues must have already been paid prior to the submission of this application. Bylaws must be updated within 3 years.
  • MEMBERSHIP: Participatory-Recognition

    This certificate will be given to the local PTA that has a majority of its faculty as members but, for some reason, cannot achieve the 100% Faculty Award. Deadline: May 1st
  • Faculty = (Principal, Assistant Principals, Deans, Teachers, Media Specialists, and Counselors)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
  • Membership dues must have already been paid prior to the submission of this application. Bylaws must be updated within 3 years.

    PTA membership equal to the number of families represented in the school, on day five of the new school year, will earn this certificate. These are the guidelines for determining 100% membership award if school cannot supply number of families with children involved: 75% of students for K-5 (6 year schools); 75% of students for K-8 (7-9 year schools); 80% of students for 3-4 year schools; 85% of students for 2 year schools; 95% of students for single grade centers. Deadline: May 1st
  • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
  • Membership dues must have already been paid prior to the submission of this application.
  • MEMBERSHIP: Participatory-Recognition

    PTA seeks to bring into closer relations the school and community (i.e., places of worship, businesses, community leaders, etc.). This award will be given to those PTAs with at least twenty-five (25) members from the community. Parents/guardians who serve in community positions are excluded from this count. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
  • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
  • Membership dues must have already been paid prior to the submission of this application. Bylaws must be updated within 3 years.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
  • MEMBERSHIP: Recognition

    PLEASE NOTE: Apply for one award, not all three. See qualifications regarding award eligibility.
  • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
  • PTA membership equal to the number of families represented in the school, on day five of the new school year, can qualify for this award. These are the guidelines for determining 100% membership award if school cannot supply number of families with children involved: 75% of students for K-5 (6 year schools) 75% of students for K-8 (7-9 year schools) 80% of students for 3-4 year schools 85% of students for 2 year schools 95% of students for single grade centers.
  • Membership dues must have already been paid prior to the submission of this application.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Bylaws must be updated within 3 years.
  • MEMBERSHIP: Participatory-Recognition

    PTAs that recruit ten to twenty-four members who are grandparents of students attending that particular school will receive a Grandparent Silver Membership Award. Those PTAs that recruit twenty-five or more grandparent members will receive the Grandparent Gold Membership Award. DEADLINE: MAY 1st
  • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations
    Indicate whether applying for gold or silver award.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
  • Membership dues must have already been paid prior to the submission of this application. Bylaws must be updated within 3 years.
  • MEMBERSHIP: Participatory-Recognition

    Any local unit with five (5) of its own past presidents as current members is eligible for this award. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
  • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
  • LIST THE FIVE PAST PRESIDENTS WHO ARE CURRENT MEMBERS: (Only list names ONCE, even if office was held multiple times).
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office. Bylaws must be updated within 3 years.
  • MISSION-VISION: Membership-Recognition

    This award is given to the PTSA or County Council unit that encourages student membership and increases student involvement through student participation in the planning and implementation of PTSA programs. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
  • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Please enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
  • Provide your PTA/PTSA's goals for student involvement and how you achieved them. (Worth 15 points)
  • Describe your PTA/PTSA's programs that involved students. Include timelines, goals, plans of work, evaluations, etc. (Worth 15 points)
  • Describe your PTA/PTSA's most outstanding program that involved students. (Worth 25 points)
  • Explain how students were involved in planning and implementation of your PTA/PTSA'a activities. Provide specific examples. (Worth 15 points)
  • How did your PTA/PTSA recruit student members? What effort did you make to retain them? (Worth 15 points)
  • Explain how student involvement has benefited your PTA/PTSA and its members.
  • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.
  • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.
  • MEMBERSHIP: Participatory-Recognition

    This award will be presented to local units who focus on engaging fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles, mentors, business partners, etc. Local units that increase their male membership by twenty-five (25) members are eligible for this award. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
  • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
  • Membership dues must have already been paid prior to the submission of this application. Bylaws must be updated within 3 years.
  • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.
  • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.
  • MISSION-VISION: Participatory-Recognition

    This award recognizes PTA volunteer activities, and will be given to local PTA units who report PTA volunteer hours equal to twice the number of their school enrollment. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
  • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office. Bylaws must be updated within 3 years.
  • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.
  • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

Judged Awards:

Advocacy Award

This award is given to the PTA units that are promoting and supporting activities that advocate for students; changing laws, processes or methods to better the lives of every child. These activities must encompass the mission and purpose of PTA. An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized.

  • MISSION-VISION: Judged-Recognition

    This award is given to the PTA, PTSA, and County Council PTA units that are promoting and supporting activities that advocate for students; changing laws, processes, or methods to better the lives of every child. These activities must encompass the mission and purpose of PTA. Deadline: May 1st
  • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
  • Describe your PTA Advocacy program/project/event below.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 512 MB.
    • All principals of winning schools will be notified via e-mail.
    • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

    Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Award

    This award is given to PTA units that promote activities which convey how the PTA supports diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in our schools and communities, by bringing together all stakeholders on behalf of the community. An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply: May 1.

    • This award is given to PTA units that promote activities which convey how the PTA supports diversity, equity, inclusion & justice in our schools and communities, by bringing a wide range of students, parents, and the community together for the good of the school. An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
      Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
    • Max. file size: 512 MB.
    • All principals of winning schools will be notified via e-mail.
    • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

    Eugenia B. Thomas Newsletter Award

    The purpose of this award is to recognize PTA units that best use all forms of communication (newsletter, social media, website) to reach out to parents or local units. An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized.

    • MISSION-VISION: Judged-Recognition

      The purpose of this award is to recognize the PTA, PTSA and County Council that best uses all forms of communication (newsletter, social media, website) to reach out to parents or local units. Deadline to apply: May 1st.
    • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
      Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
    • Max. file size: 512 MB.
    • Max. file size: 512 MB.
    • Max. file size: 512 MB.
    • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.
    • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

    Family & Community Engagement Award

    The purpose of this award is to promote family and community engagement by recognizing programs, projects and activities/events that increase family and community engagement and involvement. Programs, projects, and activities/events should positively impact students, families, and staff and may be duplicated and implemented by PTAs and councils around the state. An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Program, Project, or Activity/Event Focus Checklist. Please check all that apply.(Required)
    Max. file size: 512 MB.
    Max. file size: 512 MB.
    Max. file size: 512 MB.
    PTA Address(Required)
    Please provide phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.
    Please certify that your local unit is in full compliance with Florida PTA (only fully compliant local units are eligible to be considered for awards):

    Footprint Award

    This award will be bestowed upon selected local units and/or county councils/community PTAs that originate programming that has the potential to be replicated statewide. An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply: May 1.

    • This award will be bestowed upon selected local units and/or county councils/community PTAs that originate programming that has the potential to be replicated statewide. An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
      Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
    • Max. file size: 512 MB.
    • All principals of winning schools will be notified via e-mail.
    • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

    Friends of the Environment Award

    This award is given for programs that support and promote activities that are geared towards protecting the environment. An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. The deadline to apply is May 1st.

    • MISSION-VISION: Judged-Recognition

      This award is given to the PTA, PTSA, and County Council PTA units for programs that support, promote and are geared towards protecting the environment. DEADLINE to apply: MAY 1st
    • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
      Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
    • Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 512 MB.
      • All principals of winning schools will be notified via e-mail.
      • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

      Humanitarian Award

      This award is given to the PTA units participating in activities that focus on the needs of their community and beyond, by showing initiatives in community service.  An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

      • MISSION-VISION: Judged-Recognition

        This award is given to the local unit PTA, PTSA, and County Council participating in activities that focus on the needs of their community and beyond by showing initiative in community service. Deadline to apply: May 1st
      • MM slash DD slash YYYY
      • Max. file size: 512 MB.
      • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.

      Literacy Award

      This award is given to PTA units that promote literacy among students, families and the community; support the Media Center with activities that help make students better readers, writers and thinkers; and advance the ideals of learning through the written word. An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

      • MISSION-VISION: Judged Recognition

        This award is given to PTA, PTSA, and County Council PTA units that promote literacy among students, families, and the community; support the Media Center and reading specialists with activities that help make students better readers, writers, and thinkers; and advance the ideals of learning through the written word. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
      • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
      • MM slash DD slash YYYY
        Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
      • Max. file size: 512 MB.
      • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.
      • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

      Local Unit Achievement Award

      This award is given to PTA units that are successful in setting goals and following through on the unity of action which can best be achieved by following basic procedures.  An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

      • MISSION-VISION: Participatory-Recognition

        This award will be presented to an elementary or K-8 PTA, a middle or high school PTA/PTSA for outstanding achievement and success achieved by following basic procedures. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
      • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
      • MM slash DD slash YYYY
        Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
      • Max. file size: 512 MB.
      • MM slash DD slash YYYY
        Enter the date the budget was approved by general membership.
      • MM slash DD slash YYYY
        Enter the date the budget was approved by general membership.
        If yes, list the number attended below. If no, enter 0 for the amount below.
      • Upload additional special service project documents below.
      • Drop files here or
        Max. file size: 512 MB.
        • Upload additional documents if necessary below
        • Drop files here or
          Max. file size: 128 MB.
          • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.
          • Please provide phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

          Mentor-A-PTA Award

          This award is given to a local unit PTA that adopted another PTA. The PTA must provide a helping hand to the adopted PTA by any of the following means: training, leadership, and financial support. The purpose is to provide assistance to the adopted PTA in the implementation of PTA values and goals.  An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

          • MISSION-VISION: Participatory-Recognition

            This award is given to a local unit PTA/PTSA that adopted another PTA. The PTA must provide a helping hand to the adopted PTA by the following means: training, leadership, and financial support. The purpose is to provide assistance to the adopted PTA in the implementation of PTA values and goals. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
          • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
          • MM slash DD slash YYYY
          • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.
          • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

          Outstanding Administrator of the Year Award

          This award is to recognize a school administrator who is supportive, helpful, and personally involved in the PTA.  An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

          • MISSION-VISION: Judged-Recognition

            This award is to recognize a school administrator who is supportive, helpful, and personally involved in the PTA. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
          • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
          • MM slash DD slash YYYY
            Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
          • Explain how your administrator supports the PTA Board's leadership (i.e. encourage PTA to receive training, council and state events). Please do not use individual's name or local unit name in this explanation.
          • Explain how your administrator supports the PTA activities/programs on a regular basis. Please do not use individual's name or local unit name in this explanation.
          • Check whether your administrator participates in PTA/PTSA activities in the following ways:
          • Brief summary (limited to 10 sentences) of the administrator's role in the PTA, including: participation and contributions to the PTA and its programs, leadership, assistance and encouragement of the PTA and its programs. Please do not use individual's name or local unit name in this explanation.
          • Brief summary (limited to 10 sentences) of the impact of the administrator on students, parents, and other faculty. Why is this administrator outstanding? Please do not use individual's name or local unit name in this explanation.
          • Max. file size: 512 MB.
          • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

          President's All Children Are Our Children Award

          This award is to recognize PTA units for programs/events that best fulfill the mission of the Florida PTA President. This award is intended to celebrate those PTAs that have successfully focused efforts to bring equity and opportunity to every child by supporting the vulnerable/under-resourced children of our state. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

          • MISSION-VISION: Participatory-Recognition

            This award is to recognize PTA units for programs/events that best fulfill the mission of the Florida PTA President. This award is intended to celebrate those PTAs that have successfully focused efforts to bring equity and opportunity to every child by supporting the vulnerable/under resourced ​ children of our state. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
          • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
          • MM slash DD slash YYYY
            Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Please enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
          • MM slash DD slash YYYY
          • Please give an overview (500 words or less) of your program/event to include the following items: why this program/event was chosen, sources of materials for presentations/distribution, how did it meet the PTA goals, was the community involved and how.
          • Drop files here or
            Max. file size: 512 MB.
              Scan, save, and upload any program materials or media coverage (up to 7 pages).
            • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.
            • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

            PTSA Recognition Award

            This award is given to one (1) PTSA unit that has transitioned from PTA to PTSA within the last year, and has a defined student representative positions, thus furthering student involvement. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

            • MISSION-VISION: Participatory-Recognition

              This award is given to a middle or high school units and county councils who have transitioned from PTA to PTSA within the last year, and have defined student representative positions, thus furthering student involvement. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
            • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
            • MM slash DD slash YYYY
              Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Please enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
            • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.
            • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

            Safety Award

            PTA has always advocated for children's safety and well-being.  This award is to recognize the PTA units that offer effective safety programs which provide students, parents, and communities with information on keeping children safe. An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

            • MISSION-VISION: Judged-Recognition

              PTA has always advocated for children's safety and well-being. This award is to recognize the PTA, PTSA, and County Council units that offer effective safety programs which provide students, parents, and communities with information on keeping children safe. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
            • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
            • MM slash DD slash YYYY
              Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Please enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
            • Describe all safety programs and activities conducted during current membership year.
            • Describe all safety information provided that was used as Safety Awareness Tip.
            • i.e. D.A.R.E., SAFE KIDS, National Fire Prevention, Child Abuse Prevention, Red Ribbon Week, ETC
            • Drop files here or
              Max. file size: 512 MB.
              • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.
              • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

              Special Needs Students With Unique Abilities Award

              This award is given to the local unit PTA/PTSA that supports programs or activities that are inclusive of special needs students in the school, and enhances the role of the special needs students in their community. An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

              • MISSION-VISION: Judged-Recognition

                This award is given to the local unit PTA, PTSA, and County Council for a program or activity that is inclusive of special needs students in the school, and enhances the role of the special needs students in their community. Deadline to apply: May 1st
              • MM slash DD slash YYYY
              • Max. file size: 512 MB.
              • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.

              STEM Award

              This award is presented to the units that completed a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) program and provides a framework to encourage programs in the crucial areas of STEM. An elementary, middle, and high PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

              • This award is presented to the units that completed a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) program and provides a framework to encourage programs in the crucial areas of STEM. An elementary, middle, and high PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply is May 1st. Rules & Guidelines: -Event must be a minimum of 1.5 hours -Event must be hosted by the PTA/PTSA unit -Event must be accessible to all students and familes -Unit must be in compliance with Florida PTA and your county council -Only one event per unit will be counted -Bonus: this counts as a free program!
              • MM slash DD slash YYYY
                Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
              • MM slash DD slash YYYY
              • Max. file size: 512 MB.
              • All principals of winning schools will be notified via e-mail.
              • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

              Student Advocate Award

              This award is given to a student on the local unit or county council level who has made significant contributions through Leadership/Service.  A student from the elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

              • MISSION-VISION:Judged-Recognition

                This award is given to a student at the PTA, PTSA, or County Council level who has made significant contributions through leadership/service. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
              • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
              • MM slash DD slash YYYY
                Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
              • Max. file size: 512 MB.
                Suggested for the student essay: Tell us about yourself, your interest in service and advocacy. Describe your service efforts, the response, and the impact of your advocacy. Describe your participation in PTA, how your advocacy includes the mission of PTA, and the impact to your PTA. General clarity of presentation is considered relative to the age of the student.
              • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.
              • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

              Student Community Service Award

              A PTA must submit an application for a particular group of students, five or more, who have participated in a community service project that they feel is worthy of notice. This group of students does not need to be affiliated directly with the school or the PTA unit applying on their behalf. One (1) award will be presented. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

              • MISSION-VISION: Participatory-Recognition

                A PTA/PTSA must submit an application for a particular group of students - five or more - who have participated in a community service project that they feel is worthy of notice. This group of students does not need to be affiliated directly with the school or the PTA unit applying on their behalf. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
              • (As listed on your Bylaws - No abbreviations)
              • MM slash DD slash YYYY
                Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Please enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
              • MM slash DD slash YYYY
              • Max. file size: 512 MB.
              • All principals of winning schools will be notified via email.
              • Please provide a number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.

              Trailblazer Award

              PTA seeks to bring into closer relations the school and community (i.e. places of worship, businesses, community leaders, etc.). This award will be awarded to local units and/or county councils/community PTAs that are leading the way in programming which seeks to extend our mission into the surrounding community by fostering collaboration with like-minded community organizations. An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. Deadline to apply is May 1st.

              • PTA seeks to bring into closer relations the school and community (i.e. places of worship, businesses, community leaders, etc.). This award will be awarded to local units and/or county councils/community PTAs that are leading the way in programming which seeks to extend our mission into the surrounding community by fostering collaboration with like-minded community organizations. An elementary, middle/high, and county council/community PTA will be recognized. DEADLINE to apply: May 1st
              • MM slash DD slash YYYY
                Bylaws must be current to receive this award. Enter the date your Bylaws were approved by the state office.
              • Max. file size: 512 MB.
              • All principals of winning schools will be notified via e-mail.
              • Please provide a phone number where you can be reached after hours or during the summer if needed.